Divorce Mediation

The relationship between you and your partner is over. You want to arrange the consequences of the breakup together in good consultation.

In the event of a divorce, you have a lot to deal with and a lot of things need to be arranged. In some cases you can manage everything by yourself, but help is often desperately needed. Because how do you determine the amount of alimony? And what should be included in a covenant so that there is the greatest chance that one of you can continue to live in the house? And what about that prenuptial agreement? What can best be included in the parenting plan? And how do you improve the mutual communication?

These are just a few questions you may face during a divorce.

If you opt for mediation, the mediator will work with you to determine what needs to be arranged and will explain the legal conditions. The basic principle of mediation is that you make your own decisions together. Mr Linda Elbertse is trained as a specialized mediator for family law. She will work with you to make the breakup go as smoothly as possible.

If you are married, it is necessary that at least one lawyer is involved in your divorce. The divorce must be pronounced by the judge and only a lawyer may submit such a divorce petition. It makes it easier that Mr Linda Elbertse is not only a mediator, but also a lawyer. She can submit a joint petition to the court on your behalf and you do not have to go to a separate lawyer for this.

Are you and your partner interested in mediation? You can make a free, no-obligation appointment together at Advocatenkantoor Elbertse. During this appointment, Mr Linda Elbertse will explain the mediation process in more detail.

Fortunately, the costs of mediation are not too bad. If you have a low income and equity, you may be eligible for a government subsidy (a ‘toevoeging’). The personal contribution that the Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtsbijstand) then imposes is only € 61.00 or € 121.00 per person. More information about the monetary allowance can be found at www.rechtsbijstand.nl. If you are not eligible for a government subsidy, you can make agreements with the mediator about the price. You can do this in the first free, no-obligation consultation. You can choose a fixed price (the amount depends on what needs to be arranged) or a price per hour.