About lawyer Elbertse
Linda Elbertse studied law at Leiden University. She combined her law education with a minor in business studies. She completed her studies cum laude after which she started working as a lawyer in 2009. She is a licensed attorney, member of the Dutch Bar Association.
In her first years Linda also worked as a debt relief administrator. Since 2016, Linda has also been working as a mediator in family matters.
Linda is married and has two children.

Linda is a member of the specialization association Family and Inheritance Law Lawyers and Separation Mediators ( vFAS). For more information on separation proceedings, please visit www.verder-online.nl.
Furthermore, Linda is registered as a mediator with the Dutch Mediators Federation ( MfN).
Linda has worked as a debt relief administrator for years and is therefore familiar with the profession. She knows what judges pay attention to and where administrators sometimes go wrong.
Linda Elbertse has registered the following main (and sub) legal areas in the register of legal areas of the Dutch Bar Association ( NOvA):
– Personal and Family Law (divorce, child support and spousal support, parental authority and access, mediation, recognition and establishing paternity
– Insolvency law (debt relief for natural persons)
Pursuant to this registration, she is obliged to obtain ten training points in each registered main legal area each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.